Response to COVID-19

To our Pojifi Family,
We've been thinking about you recently—— our customers, our employees and our larger community. Your health and safety is our chief duty and the core of every decision of us. We believe that it is necessary that we do everything we can to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Here are some of the steps we're taking to protect protect the benefits of everyone in this varying situation.
We're working tirelessly to make sure your favorite products are available when you need them, and delivered in the safest way.
We're striving to obey the guidance and best practices from the Centers for Disease Control and prevention(CDC).
In all of our facilities and delivery operations, we have increased our daily cleaning routines, including the more frequent hand-washing, usage of disinfectant and cleaning equipment.
Our customer service team can answer any questions about your experience,work with you to make the best delivery options, and provide more information about the precautions that we're taking to protect your health and safety.
We also committed to take care of our employees.
We also offer higher salary for the hourly employees of fulfillment centers and home delivery business, for their hard-working and dedication.
We offer emergency paid time off to allow the unwell team members to stay home without losing salary.
We're asking our members not to travel except some emergencies. we also establish isolation procedures after traveling to high-risk areas.
We have consulted with epidemiological and infectious disease medical experts to ensure that we're taking all necessary steps to protect the safety and well-being of our members.
We're provide resources to help the employees to change their way of working, including arrange the nursing staff and remote
We created the forum to let the employees contact with each other and get the latest information, in order to keep them healthy.
Although the environment around us is uncertain, we're comforted by the fact that we have a world-class team and a community of compassionate and loyal customers. We're always here to serve for you, and we hope that our website, app and social channels can be the source of your support, inspiration and solving solutions——because we need to rest from the news sometimes.
Thank you for being the member of Pojifi,
Take care of our team
Although the majority of our employees are successfully working from home, our fulfillment and shipment facilities are up and running as our teams continue to meet the needs of our customers during this challenging time. We're proud of possessing the world-class team.
Protecting the health of our team, customers, partners and community is our principal task. We're executing following measures to enhance the safety and support of our team:
We have taken measures to help employees maintain appropriate social distancing, which includes staggering shifts to reduce overlap and limiting the number of people entering into common spaces such as lounges.
On March 24th, we released the contactless delivery experience to make sure the safety of our driver and customers, besides, we don't ask for the signatures when dropping off. (See below how our customers helped us create a contactless delivery experience.)
Service Status Update June 7, 2022
1) Delivery is on time (may be delayed because of the local regulations) and we are taking extra precautions to protect our customers and team.
2) Safety is the first duty and we have make additional safety precautions among our delivery teams. You can choose to have your items delivered through a contactless delivery experience.